Music Ministry

Welcome to music ministry at PPC! As a body of believers, we consider music to be a form of worship that uniquely contributes to our weekly services. PPC has a number of ongoing music ministries dedicated to fostering healthy congregational worship and adoration through song. If you are interested in joining a music ministry in any way, shape, or form, please contact our Director of Music Ministry.
All are welcome!

PPC Choir

Our choir leads the congregation in weekly corporate (congregational) singing, as well as sharing choral anthems throughout the year. Weekly rehearsals foster community, fellowship, and a common vision in this longstanding and beloved ministry. Teens and adults are welcome.

Handbell Choirs

Our handbell choir rehearses weekly during the school year. In addition to the adult handbell choir, a smaller ensemble is available for the youth to cultivate their ringing skills!

Children’s Music

We believe that teaching kids to sing scripture early on provides them with a lifelong resource of encouragement and hope. The children practice weekly during the Christian Education hour and they are invited to sing special numbers during worship throughout the year as well as in our annual Christmas Eve Pageant.

Click the YouTube Icon Below to Watch and Listen to Our Playlists of Special Music and Sermons

We value music…

We value Music that Resonates with Body and Soul with a universal language, emotional engagement, and theological soundness.
(Psalm 100, Ephesians 5:18-20, Revelation 5:9-12)

Music serves to worship our Lord through praise, joy, confession, lament, and thankfulness. We value music from all ages and cultural expressions. Music is a form of worship that serves in a unique way with hearts, voices, and musical instruments, enabling us to praise the Lord as a rejoicing Body.