Children in Worship

PPC warmly welcomes children in worship. Young worshippers are full of wiggles, whispers, cries, yawns, and questions. Young worshippers often want to move, sing, and pray with everyone else. Their parents want a place where they will really feel welcome. You and your children are fully, completely welcome at PPC!

Worship Bags for children are available in the narthex (entry area) and you are invited to personalize one for each of your children. Pick it up each Sunday as you arrive and return it to the rack after worship so that we have it ready for you the following week. Bags contain activity sheets and coloring pages that tie in to the worship service.

The sermon is a great time for children to worship by exploring some of the activities in their bags. Children’s bulletins are also available for ages 3 and older and are distributed as you enter the sanctuary.

For those times when a child might need a break, we have a “Giggle Room” at the back of the sanctuary. Parents can sit comfortably with restless little ones and still hear and see the service. Breastfeeding moms are welcome. If you prefer privacy, we have other areas where you can nurse your baby.