Christ the King Sunday

This week in worship we celebrate Christ the King Sunday, proclaiming the reign of God and the coming of God’s kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. In a world with so much struggle and sorrow, the promise that we worship the King of kings and Lord of lords offer powerful hope and direction. We’ll hear one of the final parables Jesus tells in the Gospel of Matthew (chapter 25:14-30), considering what it means to invest the gospel as we await the coming of God’s kingdom. We’ll also be commissioning this year’s class of 7th and 8th grade confirmands as they enter a dedicated time of growing as disciples. This week I encourage you to hold this class of six confirmands and their mentors in prayer, for God’s guidance in this milestone season in their lives.

I also want to share with you that we have a very special upcoming season of Advent. Our theme this year is “The Gift of Being Present.” At the heart of Advent and Christmas is the incredible gift of God’s presence with us, incarnate in Jesus Christ, Emmanuel God with us. Over the coming weeks, we’ll have the opportunity to open our hearts to receive this gift, and perhaps in an even deeper way than we ever have before. Guided by Emmanuel, we’ll explore ways we can BE a gift of presence to others in our lives and discover ways to be more present to God. Many of us have heard the term “mindfulness”—did you know that there are deep Christian roots to this practice, and that it is grounded in the teachings of Jesus? During Advent, we’ll explore this wonderful gift of becoming more present—attuned and aware—in our lives and relationships, and most of all to the presence of God.

Blessings to you today,

Pastor Laura

Scripture for Sunday: Matthew 25:14-30

Sermon Title: “Gospel Risk”